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Around the Internet of robotics, there are a lot of open-source/open-hardware projects to make an awesome flying robot : ROS, MAVLink, PX4, Mavros, Odroid XU4. Multiple companies uses thoses projects to make money without contributing to the community. This is an example of application. As it is no more maintained, use it with care but could could be taken as an example to make yours.

The way the packages are organized are available in the Project architecture file.


  • PixHawk (200$)
  • Odroid XU4 (79$ naked)
  • WiFi antenna (connect to external hotspot) or Modem (create an AP)
  • The localisation system you want (see the flyingros_pose package)

Software used

  • ROS
  • PX4
  • MAVLink
  • Mavros

List of things to salvage


This project has been used to drive a drone meant to built real-sized buildings in partnership between the UCLouvain (Belgium) and the MIT (Boston, MA).

The drone of the project.